Tuesday, March 5, 2013

7 year old suspended for Pop Tart threat!

(link to article at Time)

1chance2learn.net is in no way affiliated with Time.  In fact, we doubt they even know we exist.  Please click the link above to view the original article.


As a teacher my NUMBER ONE priority is always the safety of my students.  As the recent incident at Sandy Hook Elementary clearly shows, teachers will sacrifice everything, including their lives, to protect their students.  Those students are the reason we teach.  They are our reason for showing up to work every day.  They mean the world to us!

I applaud nearly any effort to help me keep my students safe.  But sometimes insanity is simply insanity.  Rules must be in place.  Policy must be enforced. But sometimes the letter of the law gets enforced in ways that could not possibly represent the law's intent.  

I know nothing about this student, his past disciplinary issues, or the violence demographics of the school district.  But what I feel that I am comfortable saying is that the world is not a safer place because this pop tart toting gangster was swiftly booted from his classroom.  He's 7.  He's a 2nd grader.  He's going to play games.  If anything...I think I would be prone to applaud his artistic creativity.  

(Reviewed by: Justin Ormsby)  

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Josh Welch was eating a Pop Tart when inspiration struck. “All I was trying to do was turn it into a mountain but, it didn’t look like a mountain really and it turned out to be a gun kinda,” the second grader told local Fox affiliate WBFF. When Josh’s teacher saw that he had eaten his breakfast pastry into the likeness of a weapon, Josh said, “She was pretty mad… and I think I was in big trouble.”

Josh’s father, B.J., was called and school officials reportedly told him that they considered Josh’s actions a threat because he said “bang, bang” while holding the breakfast pastry. The second grader was then suspended for two days. A note was sent home with every child at  Park Elementary School in Baltimore, MD., explaining the incident saying, “A student used food to make an inappropriate gesture.”

“I asked if was any one was hurt, they said no,” B.J. Welch told Baltimore’s Fox affiliate. “I would almost call it insanity. I mean with all the potential issues that could be dealt with at school — real threats, bullies – whatever the issue is. It’s a pastry.”

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