Friday, August 17, 2012

News - We're up and running again!

Greetings everyone!  I'm excited to announce that is up and running in its third incarnation.  In all our excitement I'm afraid we made the first two versions a bit too complicated to be updated in a timely manner.  None of us are web developers and when we started having to mess with actual code things just got ugly.

This third incarnation is in blog format which is a bit limiting but it also provides a great administrative interface to update the site daily, and that's the plan.

We're actively seeking educators, students, or anyone else interested in education to write articles to be posted on the page so if that sounds like something you'd be interested in, send me an email at  It's not a prestigious peer reviewed journal but it is a good place to get your voice heard.  We've really been up and running for a little less than a week and so far we have over 200 hits.  It's not like publishing in the NY Times, but hey, we won't attempt to take ownership of your thoughts so if you want to publish in the NY Times as well...more power to ya!

Also, if there are any web developers out there who happen to share a passion for education and support what we're doing, we could use your help.  This blog format is fine for now but it certainly lacks some polish.

The last thing I'll ask is that if you happen upon an article here and you like what you've read, please make an effort to comment, like, share, and otherwise spread the word.  We're teachers operating a totally free service and that means we don't have much of an advertising budget.  Word of mouth is our savior.

Thanks for reading, and enjoy 1chance2learn 3.0



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