Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Teachers are babysitters! Fine! Pay them that way! - Justin Ormsby

Teachers:  Have you ever been derided by a parent or local citizen who said you were just an over priced baby sitter?  Well that sure is degrading!  Makes me feel like all that time I spent in college was wasted!  But wait...maybe those concerned parents are onto something.  Maybe you SHOULD pay me like a babysitter!

Let's see...the average salary for a baby sitter is between $4 and $18 an hour.  Let's just start at minimum wage, $7.75 and round up a quarter just because I'm a nice guy.  $8/hr.

Experienced adults are likely to make twice as much per hour ($10) as inexperienced teenagers ($5).  I've been doing this 8 years, have "babysat" thousands of children and have 2 degrees in "babysitting".  Just to be fair...let's add $2 an hour for experience.  $10 an hour.

Generally speaking you should expect to pay an additional $1 an hour per child if you expect me to sit more than 1.  I have about 22 kids per let's add $20 and go ahead and divide that by 2, again, out of kindness.  $20/hour.

Now let's do a little math:

Pay: 20/hour.
Kids: 22
Hours: 6 (no pay for lunches and plan time of course)
Days: 182

20*6 =  120
120 * 182 = 21,840
21,840 * 22 =

$480,480 a year.  Yeah I'll take it!

Actual pay?

$38,00 a year or $1.56 per kid/day.  Heck of a deal!

Wondering where I got the pay numbers?

Babysitting Rates

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